Preventing Pet urine burns in your lawn
We get a lot of enquiries from desperate pet owners looking for solutions on how to deal with their dog’s unfortunate ability to kill their
We get a lot of enquiries from desperate pet owners looking for solutions on how to deal with their dog’s unfortunate ability to kill their
Our pets appreciate our yards just as much, or more, than we do. Some pets spend most of their life in the back yard.
Grey water is the wastewater from washing machines, laundry tubs, baths, showers and wash basins. It does not include wastewater from the toilet, dishwasher or
Bindii is possibly the most annoying weed due to the pain it causes to our bare feet!
Whilst the warmer months in spring, summer and early autumn are the ideal time of year to lay a new lawn
A two-in-one lawn care product that identifies the two key areas we usually focus on when caring for our lawns – weeding and fertilising. Sounds
Moss becomes most prevalent in winter when there is additional moisture and a lack of warmth to dry out surfaces.
In your average home garden, many large trees are not suitable as they just get too big, but there are many smaller, more suitable shade
Should you fertilise your lawn in winter There are benefits to fertilising your lawn during winter, however it isn’t the same fertiliser you would use
Using a fire-pit on your lawn It’s cold outside, which means it’s a great time to have a backyard fire with a few mates
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