The environment loves your lawn
Lawns are living, breathing filtration and cooling ‘air-conditioning’ systems for your natural envirmonment.
Did you know
- A fresh lawn allows you to take a fresh-breath right outside your home; lawns take in carbon dioxide and release oxygen through photosynthesis, and they trap dirt and dust released into the atmosphere. Leaving your grass clippings on the lawn also increases carbon intake.
- Lawns absorb sound and greatly reduce noise pollution, especially in urban areas.
- Lawns are essentially natural air conditioners. Lawns cool themselves and their surroundings, reducing home cooling needs, and potentially saving you money on energy requirements.
- A well-kept lawn improves stability in soil through its deep and widespread root system, which reduces erosion from water and wind.
- Well maintained lawns reduce the risk of fire hazards and helps slow the advancement of wildfires? Healthy lawns can in fact, act as firebreaks offering major protection during wildfires. Hopefully this fact won’t become relevant to you and will remain an interesting fact.
- Lawns and greenspace have been shown to have stress-relieving properties for home-owners.
- A fresh, green patch of lawn outside your home is an attractive feature for potential homebuyers, increasing your property value, whilst adding community appeal.
- It is widely known in real estate circles that one of the most cost effective ways to boost a home’s kerb appeal is by attractively landscaping the yard. Lawns in the home landscape are often overlooked for their value and what they can add as far as the economic benefits are concerned and also importantly the environmental bonus that come with lawns.
The following lawn-facts should be considered when tossing up between lawns or other surface coverings:
- Studies have shown that a neat lawn and garden can add as much as 15 percent to a home’s value.
- A lawn can provide a welcoming space for picnics or family barbeques, as well as a great spot for your pets to play. Turf is also perfect for recreation and sport, allowing you and your kids to have leisure time outside of your home.
- Even better than ‘adult colouring-in books’, lawns have been shown to reduce stress and improve wellness. There is growing evidence that natural grass lawns have a therapeutic effect.
- Plants and their effects on the human body or ‘the biophilia effect’, is shown to reduce muscle tension related to stress, lower blood pressure, improve attention and reduce feelings of aggression or fear.
- Is there anything lawns can’t do? A healthy lawn is a perfect economic and environmental choice, and Turfco is dedicated to helping you grow and maintain a sustainable lawn. For all your turf options click here to find the right one for you