5 Top tips to get your lawn ready for spring
Your lawn has been resting through the colder months and will slowly be starting to increase tissue growth.
Cleaning up and raking away debris
Now is the time to clear away any leaves, branches and other debris that may have accumulated on your lawn during winter. Almost like a spring clean of your home, you want to move any objects that have been stationary for a while (trampolines for example) and allow your lawn to breathe.
Get your mower ready
Chances are that like your lawn, your mower has been sitting dormant for a few months. Do yourself and your mower a favour and treat it to a little attention before pulling the starter cord repetitively ‘til you’re both out of puff. A bit of basic maintenance can go a long way here and changing fuel, oil and the spark-plug. This can help keep your machine running smoothly for years. If you baulk at the thought of home-mechanics then there are many mower shops around that will, for a small fee, have your mower tuned and ready to go. But get in early before they get over-run with work. Sharp blades are another important piece of mower maintenance. A new set of blades, or if you’re a dab-hand with the grinder, a touch-up can do wonders.
Test your soil
Sometimes you may find your lawn is not performing very well or not responding to fertiliser and this could be to do with the soils pH. Now is the time to test your pH levels, so you can take the required action during Spring. Read our article that talks specifically about pH levels.
Check for compaction
To see how your soil is holding up and whether compaction is a problem, grab a long (15cm) screwdriver and plunge it into the ground in a few places to see how far it will penetrate (minding any irrigation or electrical cabling). You should be able to easily push it in for up to 100 to 150mm (4-6 inches) using one hand without too much resistance. If not, it would serve your lawn well to look at aeration to remedy the problem.
One of the healthiest things you can do for a spring lawn is to aerate. Aeration helps increase the amount of air, water and nutrients getting to the soil, which strengthens grass roots and help create a healthier lawn.
Plan your spring lawn care schedule
Having tested your soils pH and for compaction, you can now look at what lawn care activities you will need to undertake during spring and create a plan of action. Visit the Lawn Care page for more on how to make sure you get the best from your lawn.
Bonus tip
It is a great time to install a new lawn, getting it established before the heat of summer comes. This will save you money on water!