Amigo 120ME Plant Growth Regulator inhibits vertical shoot growth. Promotes rich colour, lateral stem and root mass development. Helps produce healthy, durable blades in lawns.
ProForce Amigo 120ME is a plant growth regulator formulation containing 120g/L of the active ingredient Trinexapac-ethyl. ProForce Amigo 120ME is a micro-emulsion formulation and is registered for the regulation of leaf and stem growth, as well as a turf management aid across a range of turfgrass species and growing regimes. ProForce Amigo 120ME is also registered for the suppression of Bahiagrass and seedhead control in combination with herbicides. ProForce Amigo 120ME is registered and safe for use on a very broad range of turfgrass species including; Common and Hybrid Couch, Bentgrass, Kikuyu, Queensland Blue Couch, Carpetgrass, Buffalo, Bahiagrass, Zoysia, Fescues, Perennial Ryegrass, Durban grass and Poa annua.
Registered for a very broad range of turf species (more than 12 differing turf species).
Application volume should be adequate to ensure thorough and even coverage.
Knapsack Application: Apply in 2-10L of water per 100m2.
TIP 1: Mix one cap of household dishwashing liquid or Manta Ray Surfactant (follow label rates) into your prepared, diluted Amigo 120ME PGR (follow label rates) to help effectively penetrate the leaf of the lawn.
TIP 2: You should apply products such as Amigo 120ME PGR when temperatures are lower than 25 degrees Celsius; ideally in the early morning or late afternoon. Avoid applying products in the middle of the day when the sun is at its hottest. When products are applied when the sun is at its hottest, you are more likely to experience some burning to the leaf.
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