
Turfco  clearly loves a great lawn. So, we have put together a list of the 10 Top Turf Tips for ensuring you have a lawn that you love.

1. Prepare a good soil base for your turf

Your soil plays a vital role in the success of your lawn and in many cases some soil improvement work is required to get the most out of it. The three main soil types are sandy, loam and clay, with many soils fitting in between these three, a sandy loam or clay loam to give a couple of examples. For general gardening and lawn purposes you can’t beat a loam soil, it’s got all the good gear and the right structure.

2. Choose a turf variety best suited to your area

Different grasses behave differently in varying climates and soil types. What this means to the consumer is that there is no one perfect grass type for every lawn, and if you want to ensure a healthy, thriving lawn, you need to start with the best turf for your conditions and needs. Visit our Turf types page to choose what works best in your conditions.

3. Water it deeply for longer, less frequently

Watering your lawn is one of the most important parts of caring for your lawn. Not watering enough leads to a range of different lawn problems and can ultimately lead to your lawns demise. On the other hand, watering too much can have adverse effects on your lawn as well.

4. Fertilise a few times a year

Fertiliser is food to your lawn; too little and it starves, too much and you won’t see it at its peak either. If you’re keen on looking after your lawn, then getting a handle on fertilising is important. Sticking to a fertilising routine where you apply fertiliser 3-4 times a year, will provide your lawn with the nutrients it needs throughout the year. With many articles to help you get this right click here to view our lawn care blog on fertilising.

5. Keep on top of weeds – pre-emergent, and post-emergent controls

The best way to prevent weeds is to target them before they emerge and to act quickly when they do. New pre-emergent products like Oxafert enable you to kill weeds before they appear. By pulling out any weeds quickly as they appear you will ensure you have a successful weed management routine that prevents any substantial outbreaks.

6. Reduce the impact of pests

If you have a healthy lush lawn, you are still at risk from lawn grubs & other pests and need to keep your eye out and take preventative action. To get rid of lawn grubs and other lawn pests – such as beetles, slaters, mole crickets and earwigs – you need to use a broad spectrum insecticide such as Grub Guard.

7. Mow it regularly

By sticking to a regular mowing and lawn maintenance routine, your lawn will be healthier and be less likely to develop problems. Regular mowing helps keep weeds down, minimises grubs, makes the lawn less susceptible to disease and promotes healthy coverage by sending nutrients from the grass cuttings back into the soil. Plus, a freshly mowed lawn looks and smells great.

8. Aerate once a year or as required

Perforation of the soil to allow air, water and nutrients to penetrate the grass roots. One of the most overlooked aspects of lawn care. Aeration helps the roots grow deeply and produce a stronger, more vigorous lawn.

9. Supplied by Turfco – a Lawn Solutions Australia turf grower

Get in touch with us today.

10. Enjoy it!

Probably the most important tip in our opinion, so get out there and make the most of it!

By following these 10 tips you should have your lawn looking and feeling great.


For information on caring for your lawn visit our Lawn Care Page.

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