
Rolling your lawn once laid has several benefits for both its establishment and its life-long performance.

To Roll or Not To Roll?

So, you’re planning on installing your new lawn DIY style and you want to get it right. Of course, you do!

Preparation is key when it comes to laying a new lawn. This means ensuring you have all the right tools and steps in place prior to the day of installation to guarantee a seamless process.

An often neglected or forgotten step in laying turf is the need to roll the area once the turf is down. Now, you can get away with just laying your turf followed by a good drink of water. However, we strongly suggest an additional task that will only take a few extra minutes but could make a significant difference in the establishment and performance of your new lawn.

Rolling To Reduce Unevenness

Preparing your turf underlay (topsoil) to our specific recommendation is paramount. One of the final steps in soil preparation (prior to applying Lawn Launcher) is levelling; which is done to ensure your lawn sits flush and even across the surface. However, even when meticulously done, your topsoil will get disturbed throughout the installation process. By rolling your lawn once it has been laid in its entirety you will reduce these uneven levels. Consequently, this will save you the need to top-dress the area in the future to correct these uneven levels.

This is just one of the reasons why rolling turf after laying is important.

Rolling your lawn to improve root-to-soil contact

Rolling after the turf installation process will also improve root-to-soil contact and remove air pockets. The use of a heavy roller will create better contact between your new turf and the soil surface allowing new roots to better penetrate and help prevent the new turf from drying out as much. Rolling your lawn only further certifies the best possible start for your lawn in its new environment and encourages an optimal establishment period.

One and done

Aside from that, a lawn roller is a great tool, but you shouldn’t use one on a regular basis to maintain your landscaping. Utilising a lawn roller sparingly at home is typically the best strategy because frequent rolling can stress the grass and compact the soil.

For more blogs like this one check out our lawn care blog library.

For more tips and tricks watch our YouTube video on How To Install Turf.

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