How does instant lawn match up to turf grass seed?
Seeded turf lawns are generally cheaper upfront, but are no match for instant turf. Achieve reliable, fast results when you choose instant turf for your lawn over turf grass seed!
What is a seeded lawn?
A seeded lawn is grown from a seed that is planted into the ground and germinates. There are various types of seed packs but they are usually a mixed form, often with a Rye grass and Kikuyu blend.
While establishing seeded lawns must be kept damp, weed free and have no traffic. Turf grass seed can take up to 12 months to finish establishing.

What is instant turf?
Instant lawn is grown on a farm taking anywhere between 12-18 months to reach establishment.
At Turfco we grow our turf paddocks through either underground runners (rhizomes), or a ribboning technique (used for Sir Walter DNA Certified Buffalo). At Turfco we also use a technique called sprig planting (which uses cut up parts of established turf planted incrementally). This is due to the fact that most of our turf varieties are male sterile; meaning they cannot be grown from seed.
Not even on a turf farm can turf be grown from seed. Turf has to be grown from live vegetative material that takes a lot of skill. Both during this new growth and well after the establishment, the turf paddocks are heavily monitored and looked after with fertiliser, water, and mowing.
Once established the turf is then cut in meter square rolls using an advanced harvesting system. The instant turf is then transported to the delivery site where it is instantly (no pun intended) laid out. After being laid, instant lawn must be kept damp at all times during the first few weeks, while traffic is to be kept to a minimum.
Instant lawn can be used freely in 6-8 weeks the lawn is fully established.*
*This timeframe varies based on location, chosen turf variety, and time of year the turf is laid. Contact us for further information.

It’s true that seed will grow into some ground cover in the cooler, wetter climates of Australia. However it will not be a drought tolerant lawn for life. Usually it will be a cool season variety such as a seeded rye or fescue that may give a quick flush of green in a colder climate but once the hot weather comes along it can be gone forever.
Cost and time
You will find that it takes a substantial amount of time and money to get the result you are after with turf seed. You will need to over sow a number of times and you still won’t be guaranteed a successful germination and a consistent finish. Other challenges you may face present. Weather conditions potentially washing your seed away, birds and other animals also eating the seed.
While seeded lawn may be cheaper upfront when compared to instant lawn, the results are seen much quicker for instant lawns. Moreover, the aftercare and maintenance for an instant lawn is much less compared to a seeded lawn.

Turf grass seed and seeded lawn success rate is influenced by the time of year and climate in which you plant. You are limited with timing for planting seeded lawn. You should avoid planting during the the warmer months of the year. The hot weather can stress the grass and dry it out.
With instant lawn, you can install it at any time of the year in all climates*.
*Contact us here at Turfco for further information and possible variables.

Suitability and aesthetics
Instant lawn comes in different varieties, with a lawn to suit all areas and requirements. Here at Turfco we offer a wide range of turf varieties will meet your needs and suit your situation. We stock TifTuf Hybrid Bermuda, Sir Walter DNA Certified Buffalo, Sir Grange Zoysia, and Eureka Kikuyu.
Instant turf has a higher wear tolerance, higher shade tolerance and is pet friendly. Instant turf also has a consistent growth pattern and habit in all areas. Seeded lawn can be patchy and uneven, especially if you don’t continue to reseed where required.

A lawn for life
The most effective way of establishing a great lawn is by installing instant turf. By doing so, you are putting in what is already a healthy established grass and planting it ready to go at your own home. Within a few weeks the rolls will have established together and you will have a consistent healthy lawn.
So if you want a great long lasting Aussie lawn contact us here at Turfco and get a great lawn for life!
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