Spring is when your lawn will grow fiercely, and the greenery comes to life. But unfortunately so do many turf-related pests. In this blog, we look at the best way to prevent lawn grubs from infiltrating your lawn.
Preventing Lawn Grubs
Acelepryn GR and Acelepryn Liquid provides safe and effective control of a wide range of insects while minimizing environmental impact and non-target organisms like Bees and Earthworms. Acelepryn works by targeting a specific muscle receptor that is common in damaging causing insects. Other non-target organisms like Bees, Earthworms, Birds, Fish, and mammals don’t use the same muscle receptors, making it one of the safest insecticides on the market!
Acelepryn targets pests such as Black Beetle, Stem Weevil, Cut Worm, and Army Worm. The great thing about Acelepryn GR compared to other pesticides is that it’s not only curative but also preventative.

Acelepryn is best applied at six monthly intervals to provide year-round protection. We recommend using Acelepryn in September/October and again in March/April as a general guide. These two applications will prevent lawn grubs throughout the entire year.
Acelepryn GR Granules
For treating beetle larvae including African black beetle, Argentine Scarab, Argentine Stem Weevil larvae and Billbug Larvae, spread the granules evenly, 1-2kg per 100m2. We recommend using a calibrated spreader to ensure the granules are spread evenly to the lawn. You can also spread the granules by hand. After the granules have been spread out, give the granules a water in with a minimum of 3mm irrigation.
For Caterpillars including Cutworm, Armyworm, and Sod Worm, spread the granules evenly, 1kg per 100m2. Again, we recommend using a calibrated spreader for an even application. You can also spread the granules by hand. After application, delay mowing and watering for 24 hours. After 24 hours have passed, water the granules in.
Acelepryn Liquid
When treating Lawn Curl Grub (Beetle larvae including: African Black Beetle larvae Argentinian Scarab larvae), Argentine Stem Weevil larvae and Billbug larvae, you can apply through a garden sprayer or watering can. For a garden sprayer use 8 – 15 mL per 5-10 L of water per 100 m2. For a watering can, mix 1.5 mL in 9 L of water and evenly apply to 10 m2. Apply the higher rate for up to 6 months residual protection, cases of high pest pressure, and late in season when mature grubs are present. Lightly water in immediately after application when applying by garden sprayer.
For treating Caterpillars including Lawn Armyworm, Black Cutworm, and Sod Webworm, apply through a garden sprayer. Use 8 mL per 5-10 L of water per 100 m2. To ensure optimum control, delay watering or mowing for 24 hours after application.

With these tips you will be able to prevent lawn grubs and weeds throughout your lawn.
For more lawn care tips and advice, check out our other lawn care blogs here.