
Tips to make your yard and lawn pet-friendly


pet at play

Our pets appreciate our yards just as much, or more, than we do. Some pets spend most of their life in the back yard. If that’s the case for your pets you may have already solved some of issues we’re going to look. You may also have to take into consideration what plants your pets do and don’t get along with. Sturdy plants with soft foliage are recommended for areas near your garden.

As far as the lawn goes, natural turf grass is one of the best surfaces around because it can handle the ‘ruff’ nature of some of your animals. Backyard lawns provide a place for our pets to play, eat, and do their business. A well-kept lawn is usually safe for pets and children to play on. It will self-repair from any damage or tracking and with a bit of care with some nutrients and aeration every now-and-then your lawn should serve you and your pet friends well. Where choosing your type of lawn is concerned we can provide you with the appropriate type for your area, climatic conditions and individual requirements.

Types o f lawn

There are a few differing lawn varieties in Australia; mainly what we call warm-season turf types and these include varieties like Lawn Solutions Australia’s Sir Walter DNA Certified BuffaloSir Grange ZoysiaEureka Kikuyu and TifTuf Hybrid Bermuda. Talk to us about your circumstances and we’ll recommend the best fit for your yard. Once you have made the decision on your lawn, following a few simple tips can help keep your grass pet-friendly and in top condition.

A few tips to help you create a pet-friendly lawn

  • A healthy lawn should equal healthy pets, but be mindful of potentially harmful chemicals in lawn fertilisers and treatments.
  • Lawn Solutions Australia’s fertilisers do not contain any heavy metals or overly-toxic components and are safe when used as per the label instructions; ensuring happy and healthy pets and lawns.
  • Avoid synthetic grass, your pets will appreciate the natural stuff. In warmer temperatures fake grass is not pet-friendly as it gets hot for both humans and pets.
  • Simply putting away gardening tools and equipment (especially sharp ones!) can save your dog from potential injury.
  • A little lawn care often will help keep your lawn in good condition. Pets and kids tend to track in places on your lawn and can compact the soil in some areas. Aerate every now and then with a commercial aerator or even a pitch fork and lightly top-dress in spring for best results.
  • Setting up a fence will not only keep your pet from running off, but is also perfect for keeping pets out of parts of the garden you want to keep intact, keeping both your pets and your garden safe.
  • Our pets need to be able to escape the summer heat and providing a shady spot to hide from the heat will really be appreciated by your pet. Having access to shaded areas is vital.
  • As always, keep a water bowl nearby or an automatic watering system, especially on hot days.

By following these tips you’ll be content in knowing your pet is safe and you’ll be able to enjoy a healthy lawn area in your backyard with your best friends, be it either the two- or four-legged-kind. Lawn care doesn’t need to be difficult and simple hints from us can help along with products to keep your lawn in top condition this summer.

For more information on lawn care visit our Lawn Care page.

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