Everything You Need to Know About Sir Grange Zoysia
Have The Best Looking Lawn On The Street
Sir Grange Zoysia is one of the world’s best-looking grasses! It can be mown at a variety of luxurious heights, adding instant value to your home.
The Sir Grange zoysia Story
Sir Grange Zoysia is a fine bladed Zoysia Matrella that was hand selected from over 10,000 different turf cultivar varieties.
This grass has been used on many world-famous projects such as on the Rio Olympics Golf Course and can also be seen on several courses designed by Greg Norman and Tiger Woods.
This grass was initially created for the golf industry, but it was soon discovered that, due to its qualities, it would make an excellent lawn for a home.
With geographical adaptability, tolerance to varying pH levels and soils, and a built-in mechanism to extract salts from the soil, it offers great versatility.
Sir Grange was developed by one of the largest turf grass breeders, Blade Runner Farms in Texas by Mr David Douget. Bladerunner Farms has the largest privately owned zoysia grass research facility in the world.
Sir Grange is sold in the USA and Asia under the trademark of BRF Zeon Zoysia. It’s superior traits and beautiful dark green leaf have seen it become the top-selling Zoysia grass in the USA.

Sir Grange Establishment
Once Sir Grange Zoysia establishes a root system of 200mm or more it is extremely shade and drought-tolerant.
It’s recommended to use a straight washed-sand at a depth of 100-200mm to assist in a quicker establishment. The more you have the better the lawn will perform!
It is a slow-growing lawn so it can take up to 18 weeks of warm season growing conditions to fully establish, however, once this is achieved the result is very rewarding.

Sir Grange Maintenance
When fully established it will use very little fertiliser and water, will have high shade tolerance, and require a lot less mowing than most varieties.
- Requires up to 50% less mowing than other common turf varieties.
- It can be mowed at a range of heights.
- Requires 75% less nitrogen than other common turf varieties. In many cases, it will need little to no fertiliser at all.
You only need to water your established lawn if it looks dry or conditions are extreme. This turf variety can be mown at regular intervals at a height you desire between 10 and 50mm. Or you can even leave it unmown for landscaped areas of the garden, edges, or slopes.

Fertilising Sir Grange
Fertiliser use should be minimal; only fertilise if your lawn looks hungry and loses colour. If you fertilise, try to use a lawn blend with little to no nitrogen. Something with an NPK blend of 5-5-10, or at 25% of the label rate of a standard lawn fertiliser.
We recommend Lawn Solutions Premium Fertiliser.

Is there such thing as Sir GRANGE SEED? How is Sir Grange Zoysia Grown?
Like all warm-season turf varieties, Sir Grange Zoysia cannot be grown from seed. All the turf varieties grown at Turfco can only be grown from Stolons and Rhizomes, not seed. On our farm, turf paddocks have to be planted with Stolons or Runners. To do this, mature turf cuts are fed into a Sprig Planting Machine where they are chopped up and periodically distributed into the soil. Afterwards, a roller is sent across the paddock to further embed these Runners in the soil. The entire area is then irrigated, fertilised and very well cared for over the next few months.
The Stolons and Runners eventually grow laterally with a root system establishing down into the soil, which allows the turf to reach full maturity and fill an entire paddock. It’s at this point the paddock is ready to be harvested and become a lucky customer’s new home lawn!
Sir Grange Zoysia is a warm-season turf variety. All warm-season turf varieties will enter a level of dormancy when [soil] temperatures decrease (during the cooler/winter periods). Some regions and particular turf varieties will experience higher levels of winter dormancy than others. Expect your lawn to lose colour during these cooler months as the plant growth rate slows down. Once temperatures increase, the growth rate will rise, and the lawn will return to a lush, green state. An application of Lawn Solutions ColourGuard Plus* will help to immediately bring a lush, green colour back to your lawn. The product will both give your lawn an instant green look and protect the blade of the turf up to 2 degrees warmer. Read more on Winter Dormancy.
*Apply to established lawns only.