Do I Need A Starter Fertiliser When Laying A New Lawn?
Do I need a Starter Fertiliser? A question we’re often asked by those who are researching in preparation for a new lawn or during the lawn purchasing process.
Extra costs are something we all want to avoid where possible, which is why we’ve done the research to back up the benefits of Lawn Launcher Starter Fertiliser for a new lawn. You can see for yourself the difference between a lawn with and without the addition of a Starter Fertiliser (Lawn Solutions Lawn Launcher), so you can easily justify the (still affordable) purchase! It’s a no-brainer!
What Is Lawn Launcher Starter Fertiliser?
Lawn Launcher is a lawn starter fertiliser used to provide a boost to newly laid grasses during their establishment period, giving the lawn the best possible start. Lawn Launcher is a premium water-saving starter fertiliser with a nutrient accelerator for establishment & healthy root growth.
What Are The Benefits of Lawn Launcher Starter Fertiliser?
Lawn Launcher contains a high-quality fertiliser, providing the nutrients your new lawn needs for the best start. Plus, moisture magnets reduce the risks involved in lawn establishment or plants dying off during water restrictions or extreme heat. Moisture magnets are free-flowing white granules that resemble sugar crystals when dry. When wet, they will swell dramatically to become super absorbent. The collected water is then released to your lawn when it needs it.
How Do You Apply Lawn Launcher Starter Fertiliser?
Spread the Lawn Launcher Starter Fertiliser across your prepared sand/soil surface, following the recommended label rates. Application can be done simply by hand or with a fertiliser spreader.
Rake Lawn Launcher into the top 50-75mm of soil before you lay the turf (don’t put it on top of a laid lawn). There is no need to water the product before laying the turf. Once the lawn has been laid on top of the Lawn Launcher, water the lawn thoroughly & deeply – the water will find its way to the Starter Fertiliser beneath the turf. Continue to water the lawn during the establishment period. Please refer to our watering guide for more information.
Is Lawn Launcher Starter Fertiliser Safe For Pets?
Firstly, always read product labels and follow all label instructions. If you are ever unsure about anything, please contact Turfco before applying your fertiliser.
Regarding granular and liquid fertiliser, always store them out of reach of your pet(s). Granular fertiliser can easily be mistaken for pet food, and liquids can be mistaken for water. Keep your pet(s) indoors while you fertilise your lawn.
Granular fertiliser is safe to use if the granules are watered correctly into the lawn/earth. Once this is done, they are very difficult for your pet(s) to access. But it’s always best to keep pets off your lawn for 24 hours after application.
Lawn Launcher is applied beneath your lawn (on top of your soil), meaning your turf will essentially ‘cove-up’ the product soon after application, leading to a lesser risk of your pet(s) having the opportunity to ingest the product. However, always ensure to keep your pet(s) away from your soil/lawn area during the application & installation process to further minimise the risk. As stated above, if you have any product left over, store it out of reach of your pet(s).
The ‘Lawn Launcher’ Starter Fertiliser Trial
Over 8 weeks, we (The Turfco Team, with assistance from Joe Rogers Lawn Solutions Australia) trialled Lawn Solutions Lawn Launcher Starter Fertiliser on all of our four premium turf varieties.
The Turf Varieties Trialled
We trialled the four premium turf varieties (warm season) that we grow and sell at Turfco:
The Goal
To gain tangible results on the benefits of Lawn Launcher Starter Fertiliser: in optimising the establishment of a newly laid lawn (looking at warm-season turfgrasses).
Our Hypothesis
We predicate that with an application of Lawn Solutions Lawn Launcher Starter Fertiliser when laying all four of our premium turf varieties, the root growth will be denser & deeper in a shorter period (establishing quicker) than those areas without the Starter Fertiliser.
The Timeline
During the peak growing season (typically spring & summer), our turf varieties (warm season) can take anywhere between 1 to 18 weeks to establish (location, weather & turf variety dependent).
Turf establishment is defined by the roots taking to/firmly planting to the soil beneath, whereby when the surface of the turf is gently tugged, it does not lift away from the soil with ease. This directly correlates with the extent of root growth depth & density. Once the turf has reached an established point, the aftercare regime can be adjusted, the lawn is ready for use & its first mow (high mow).
The Environment
Turf Underlay: All turf varieties were laid on a mixture of 80% Sand / 20% Soil, to a depth of 150mm.
Sunlight: All turf varieties were consistently subject to 4-5 hours of direct sunlight per day.
Water: All turf varieties were exposed to an automatic pop-up sprinkler. Application rates:
- Weeks 1, 2, 4 & 4: 20-minute application cycles, 3 times per day at 6am, 11am and 2pm. The irrigation system was turned off for rainfall periods.
- Weeks 5, 6, 7 & 8: 20-minute application cycles, 3 times per week.
Wear: Very minimal, if any, traffic during the 8-week period.
Total Rainfall
During this 35-day period, Jaspers Brush, NSW (2535) received approximately 65mm of total rainfall with an average low temperature of 17.4 degrees & average top temperature of 26.9 degrees.
The Process
The area was prepared (the soil was spread & levelled) in the days leading up to the trial start date: Thursday, the 7th of December 2023.
On the morning of 7th of December 2023, 2m2 of our four premium turf varieties was harvested fresh on location at our (Turfco) farm in Jaspers Brush.
At around 10am, we spread the recommended application (label) rate of Lawn Launcher Starter Fertiliser for an area of this size before laying 1m2 of each turf variety. Directly beside this, we laid 1m2 of the same turf variety on the same prepared surface, except without an application of the Starter Fertiliser. Instead, the turf was laid directly onto the soil. Ensuring the two variables for each of the 4 turf varieties were laid in the same environment was crucial to ensure we received true results for both sides (with & without the Starter Fertiliser). Sunlight, watering & wear exposure were all consistent across both areas.
The area was monitored regularly, mostly at 2-week intervals, where 2 ‘plugs’ of each turf variety were extracted to examine and compare the root growth with and without Lawn Launcher. The plug tool is similar to what is used on golf courses to establish new holes on greens (a hole cutter). Using this tool ensured we were able to examine the root growth depth, health of the grass, soil quality, and most importantly, the impact the Starter Fertiliser (Lawn Launcher) had on the grass performance & establishment time.
Day 1 (Turf Installation Day) – 7th of December 2023
Sir Grange Zoysia
With Lawn Launcher Starter Fertiliser: left-hand side, for all images.
Week 2 – 21st of December 2023
Week 6 – 11th of January 2024
Week 8 – 25th of January 2024
Zoysia Australis
With Lawn Launcher Starter Fertiliser: left-hand side, for all images.
Week 2 – 21st of December 2023
Week 6 – 11th of January 2024
Week 8 – 25th of January 2024
TifTuf Hybrid Bermuda
With Lawn Launcher Starter Fertiliser: left-hand side, for all images.
Week 2 – 21st of December 2023
Week 6 – 11th of January 2024
Week 8 – 25th of January 2024
Sir Walter DNA Certified Buffalo
With Lawn Launcher Starter Fertiliser: left-hand side, for all images.
Week 6 – 11th of January 2024
Week 8 – 25th of January 2024
The Results
After 8 weeks of growth, our research has shown that Lawn Launcher Starter Fertiliser has assisted in denser and deeper root growth when compared to those without Lawn Launcher Starter Fertiliser, across all 4 turf varieties within the trial. Most notably, TifTuf, Sir Grange & Zoysia Australis all showed staggering differences in root density & depth. The turf that received an application of Lawn Launcher Starter Fetiliser reflected a greater progression at every check-in point, as documented above, & therefore, resulted in a faster establishment time. Whilst the roots of the turf without the Starter Fertiliser still developed at a satisfactory rate, incorporating Lawn Launcher Starter Fertiliser when laying a new lawn has proven to promote optimal results and give your lawn the best possible start.
Do You Need Lawn Launcher Starter Fertiliser When Laying A New Lawn?
A Starter Fertiliser is essential for success in establishing a new lawn from seed or getting your instant turf off to a good start. The higher level of Phosphorus gets the roots growing while developing a good root structure. This is vital for new lawns. With the first six weeks being the toughest period of your lawn’s life, you would be crazy not to use this product when laying a new lawn.
Things to Consider with Lawn Launcher Starter Fertiliser
The Time of Year
This trial was conducted in the peak growing season for these turf varieties (summer): Sir Grange Zoysia, Zoysia Australis, TifTuf Hybrid Bermuda & Sir Walter DNA Certified Buffalo. Meaning the plant growth rate is at its absolute highest. Installing a lawn during the cooler months of the year (late autumn & winter) means the turf will naturally take longer to grow dense and deep roots (establish). Applying Lawn Launcher Starter Fertiliser is a great way to boost the lawn and ensure an optimal establishment time all year ’round, but particularly in the cooler months.
The Turf Variety
If installing TifTuf Hybrid Bermuda, especially in the warmer months of the year, we suggest applying Lawn Launcher at 1/3 (one-third) or 1/2 (half) of the normal rate. This is because TifTuf naturally has lower nutrient requirements, so the extra nitrogen will encourage exponential leaf growth at a time when root growth is a priority.
- Lawn Solutions Lawn Launcher should only be applied on top of the soil before laying a new lawn. DO NOT apply Lawn Launcher above the lawn.
- Suits all lawns and most trees, shrubs, and flowering plants.
- A 900g bucket covers up to 30m2 & a 3kg bucket covers up to 100m².