
There are a number of new zoysia’s recently hitting the marketplace. There is a misconception that every variety of zoysia is the same or similar.
Zoysia as a turf grass type has several different sub -genus. All of which carry very different characteristics and aesthetics to the next. Whilst they still do carry the name botanically and in a lot of marketing material, it’s important to understand the difference when looking at the different options available.

Zoysia Macrantha

Zoysia Macranthas are the only zoysia which are considered Australian natives. They are commonly referred to as prickly couch. Some examples of Macrantha available on the Australian market are Nara Native Zoysia and Stockade Native. Macrantha generally perform better in the warmer climates of Australia and in full sun areas. Macrantha’s leaf shape and colour varies depending on the variety but are medium to coarse and light green in colour. The wear tolerance and shade tolerance of Zoysia Macranthas are inferior to the other types of zoysia.

Zoysia Japonica

Zoysia Japonica originates and is native to the coastal grasslands of South East Asia. Japonicas have been introduced and used as a popular choice for home lawns and public areas around the world. The most common types available around Australia are Empire Zoysia and Platinum Zoysia. Japonicas have a medium leaf texture, fair shade and wear tolerance. Again, these are more suited to the warmer climates of Australia. In southern areas of Australia and the in the colder months Zoysia Japonica will struggle.

Zoysia Matrella

Zoysia Matrellas, like Japonicas, are native to South East Asia. Unlike their Japonica counterparts, Matrellas have a very fine leaf and have high shade tolerance. Until just recently, Matrellas were primarily used in golf, but now their qualities have proven they are perfect for home lawns and commercial applications. They require less mowing, less fertiliser, less water and have higher density than the other zoysias. Matrellas that are on the Australian market include Sir Grange and Shadetuff. These can be successfully installed all around Australia and make for a fantastic lawn both domestically and commercially.

Zoysia grasses are quickly becoming the preferred choice for lawns in the US, South America and Asia and are making a name for themselves in Australia as well. If you are choosing Zoysia grass for your next project, talk to us first.

For information on Sir Grange Zoysia click here.

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